Body Bliss Massage Noosa

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Crystal Bowl healing is a grand compliment to a Kahuna Massage.  The beautiful sound that emanates from the vibrating bowl compliments the vibrational energies experienced with a Kahuna Massage.

If the experience of the deeply moving, transformational Kahuna Massage on your body, mind and spirit is not enough, the vibrations from the bowl are sure to turn your body to jelly and your mind numb.  A perfect combination for you to receive the deepest relaxation possible from your massage.  What else is possible?

The crystal bowl I use is made from the rocks of the four vortexes in Sedona, Arizona USA.  I slight tap and some gentle circling with the raw hide stick and the bowl produces some of  the most beautiful sounds possible.  The vibration passes through my hand into your body or directly from the bowl to your body, depending on the positioning and your body's requirements on the day.

The vibrations work on a cellular level and help release stuck energies in your body with ease.  It is a bit like choosing something that brings you absolute joy.  Your body can't feel pain/intensity when it is experiencing joy, laughter, bliss or happiness.

It may be just the treat your body is after.  Request it with your next Kahuna Massage, the change may be more than you imagined possible. The  Vibrating Crystal Bowls are available only at Body Bliss Massage Noosa, where Healing is Beyond Your Imagination!

Until we meet again, choose bliss

Scott Murray

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